

Hello and welcome to this literary blog !!! I’m Justine and I love, no, I’m crazy about reading. I read since I’m a little girl, now I’m almost 17 and I’m still reading a lot. I have a few passions like books, dance, music, pastry or all that concerns Anglophone culture. That’s the reason why I created this blog, I wanted to share my passions and my hobbies with you. I also wanted to challenge myself. In fact, I’m French and my wish is to share with you my opinion of some books in English. I’m actually learning English so please be indulgent with me and don’t hesitate to notice me when I’m wrong.

I will publish my critiques at least 1 time a month. In those chronicles you will find information about the book, my summary of the story, my opinion (about the characters, the story, the author’s way with words, the book cover and more) and a song that makes me think about the book (the link will be on the song's title). I will mainly present novels and principally romance or fantasy genre. To make it easier, I will put the book cover of the author’s country and the French book cover (because I read most of the books in French).

I hope it makes you want to read my future critiques and chat with me ! Have a good time and a nice journey on this blog !

Juju Book


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